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Matthias Lupri @ Gallery 67 - Beacon Hill



Bio Blurb

Matthias has been working within the arts all his life in various aspects integrating painting, music, film, photography, narrative, and poetry cohesively, while drawing from life, dreams, symbols, myth, philosophy and psychology. Some of his work can be seen at Gallery 67 in Beacon Hill Boston, 67 Chestnut Street, one block off of Charles Street on right along the way to 75 Restaurant. "It has been a lifelong journey revealing my art through these philosophical and psychological constructs. Art that coexists and works in conjunction with these constructs and each other. Landscape hemispheres and archetypes create new paths to follow and show themselves as personal empirical motifs within the art abstractly. They prove to be part of the memory, dream, reflection symbiosis. It is all much a mystery and interesting pursuit.”